We have eight hours and counting until Game of Thrones starts back up again. But when season three does get underway, it’ll be light on the Tyrion. It makes sense, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Peter Dinklage noted his relative lack of screen time compared to last season to Entertainment Weekly, explaining: “It’s still fun, but easier. I’ve had fewer days shooting. With all the [show's] different story lines, the focus sometimes shifts, which is fine.”
He adds: “I don’t mind. My character probably minds.”
(In that same interview, Dinklage explains why show-Tyrion didn’t lose his nose at the Battle of Blackwater like book-Tyrion did: “It would cost a lot of money, because they’d have to put a little green sock on my nose. Every scene I was in they’d have to [digitally paint] over my face in every frame and that’s costly and time consuming. I think a scar solves everything.” Fair enough. And it leaves more of the CGI budget for dragons.)
The end of season two saw Tyrion replaced as the Hand of the King by his father Tywin Lannister, and in much of the book upon which season three is based Tyrion is on the sidelines. Make no mistake, he’s still a major character, but thinking back I have a hard remembering what he actually did in book three. There was the subplot with Shae and her BFF singer Symon Silver Tongue, but I’d be surprised if they don’t cut that. And I seem to remember a lot of scheming, but when you have around 500 pages to cover in only ten hours (remember, book three is being divided into two seasons), that’s going to have to be condensed.
Ah well. There’s a silver lining here: Tyrion having fewer scenes means the scenes he does have will be like manna from the heavens.
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